Where are the Security Dashboards for Cloud Services?

By Craig Balding

Amazon Service Health Dashboard

I received an email today from Amazon Web Services (AWS) Support announcing new support offerings. One item that caught my attention is the new Service Health Dashboard.

The dashboard is pretty standard fare – traffic lights to show availability for each Amazon service with a historical view available at the bottom.

This is good and all, but where is the security dashboard? I’d like to know their “security service” is operating normally. Are they “hacker safe” ;-)

I can dream right?

Users of salesforce.com are not dreaming when they surf over to trust.salesforce.com. In addition to the – dare I say it – “expected” service availability dashboard, they display recent security alerts to raise awareness.

Security Dashboard at salesforce.com

That’s definitely a “good thing” – as far as it goes.

For larger organizations that already use security metrics to track the effectiveness of their security program, this isn’t going to cut it.

Cloud providers, are you listening?

What security metrics would you expect to see from your cloud provider?