OpenVAS is a vulnerability scanning solution that identifies and manages vulnerabilities in networked environments.

Multi-Cloud Open Source Self Hosted Only
Category Vulnerability Management
Last Commit 1 year ago
This page updated 2 months ago
Pricing Details OpenVAS is open source and free to use.
Target Audience Security professionals, network administrators, and organizations looking to manage vulnerabilities.

OpenVAS manages identifying and managing vulnerabilities in networked environments by providing a comprehensive vulnerability scanning solution. At its core, OpenVAS is the scanner component of the Greenbone Vulnerability Management (GVM) framework, which includes various services and tools for vulnerability assessment and management.

Technically, OpenVAS supports both unauthenticated and authenticated testing, leveraging a wide range of high-level and low-level internet and industrial protocols. The scanner draws from a daily updated feed of Network Vulnerability Tests (NVTs), with over 50,000 tests available as of recent updates. This feed ensures that the scanner remains current with the latest known vulnerabilities. The scanner is written in C and operates on a cross-platform basis, making it versatile for different operating environments.

Operationally, setting up OpenVAS involves running the openvas-setup command, which downloads the latest rules, creates an admin user, and starts the necessary services such as the OpenVAS manager, scanner, and Greenbone Security Assistant (GSAD). This process can be resource-intensive and may take some time depending on the system's bandwidth and resources. Once set up, the services can be managed using commands like openvas-start and openvas-check-setup for troubleshooting.

Key considerations include the need for regular updates to maintain the efficacy of the scans, as well as the potential for resource consumption during large-scale scans. The use of the Nessus Attack Scripting Language (NASL) for plugins allows for extensive customization and expansion of vulnerability tests. However, this also means that managing and updating these plugins can add to the operational overhead. Overall, OpenVAS provides robust vulnerability scanning capabilities but requires careful management to ensure optimal performance and security.

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