
Terraform is an open-source tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently using infrastructure as code (IaC).

Multi-Cloud Open Source Self Hosted + Cloud Options
Category Configuration & Change Management
This page updated 2 months ago
Pricing Details Free and open-source with optional paid support and enterprise features.
Target Audience DevOps teams, system administrators, and developers managing cloud infrastructure.

Terraform addresses the complex challenge of managing and provisioning infrastructure across various cloud and on-premises environments by leveraging infrastructure as code (IaC). This approach allows for the automation of infrastructure setup, including servers, databases, firewall policies, and other resources, using HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL).

The technical architecture of Terraform revolves around its configuration files, which define the desired state of the infrastructure. The Terraform CLI interacts with these configurations to manage the lifecycle of resources, from creation to destruction. Terraform integrates with multiple cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, as well as with other infrastructure components like Kubernetes clusters and networking resources. It also supports the use of the Cloud Development Kit for Terraform (CDKTF), allowing developers to write Terraform configurations in programming languages like TypeScript, Python, and Java.

Operationally, Terraform emphasizes collaboration and governance through features like HCP Terraform, which provides version control, state sharing, and governance capabilities. This ensures that teams can work together on infrastructure configurations while enforcing security, compliance, and cost management policies using tools like Sentinel policy as code. However, managing large-scale infrastructures with Terraform can introduce complexities, such as state file management and potential performance issues when dealing with extensive resource sets.

Technically, Terraform's state file is critical for tracking the current state of the infrastructure, and it must be managed securely, often by migrating it to HCP Terraform for shared access. The tool also supports dynamic secret management through integration with HashiCorp Vault, reducing the need for static, long-lived secrets. While Terraform is highly flexible, it requires careful planning and execution to avoid configuration drift and ensure consistent deployments across different environments.

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