
Articles, interviews and insights about cloud security

GoGrid Security Breach

March 30, 2011 by Craig Balding

GoGrid Security Team discover an unauthorized party accessed customer records. Here is a copy of the breach notification I received.

Tags: breach gogrid

How to Kick Ass in Cloud Computing Marketing

May 18, 2010 by Craig Balding

Marketers of cloud services and software as a service continue to find ever more creative ways to get targeted exposure to their offerings. I experienced this first hand when a blog post I wrote was turned into a video with professional actors.

Tags: publicity

Cloud Security Threats Survey

February 23, 2010 by Craig Balding

The Cloud Security Alliance is running a survey to find out which cloud security threats security professionals are most concerned about.

Are You Trying to Pin the Tail on the Cloud Donkey?

January 25, 2010

When it comes to security due diligence and on-going operational security visibility of cloud services, enterprise security pros are acting out the childrens game, Pin the Tail on the Donkey.

Tags: A6 visibility

Cloud Cartography & Side Channel Attacks

August 31, 2009 by Craig Balding

Research team publish paper analyzing potential security weaknesses in Infrastructure a a Sercice cloud environmentsl

Tags: Infrastucture as a Service amazon DoS ec2 mapping research side channel attacks

Stop the Madness! Cloud Onboarding Audits - An Open Question…

June 16, 2009 by Craig Balding

Cloud providers are suffering an Audit Denial of Service as customer security teams conduct reviews. How can we eliminate unncessary duplication and gain digital trust of claims?

Tags: Cloud Computing Security audit compliance

Legal Cloud: Have It Your Way

May 08, 2009 by Craig Balding

Legal Cloud caters to the specific security, compliance and audit needs of Law firms. Will vertical specific clouds drive greater cloud adoption by enterprises?

Tags: Infrastucture as a Service

Is Amazon AWS Really HIPAA Compliant Today?

April 08, 2009 by Craig Balding

Amazon Web Services claim their cloud platform can be used to create HIPAA compliant applcations. challenges that claim...

Tags: Infrastucture as a Service aws HIPAA

Compliance as a Service: Does It Exist?

March 27, 2009 by Craig Balding

Compliance as a Service could provide a means to bind your company security policy and regulations to your use of cloud services and APIs

Tags: Cloud Computing Security

Dissecting the EPIC Complaint against Google

March 18, 2009 by Craig Balding

What happens when a popular privacy group takes on the worlds largest cloud provider? EPIC files compliant with the FTC citing concerns with Googles' privacy and security.

Tags: Cloud Computing Security Software as a Service complaint epic ftc google google docs privacy

Cloud Ecosystem Map: Spot the Security Players

March 17, 2009 by Craig Balding

Who are the cloud providers and what cloud services do they sell? Find out with this cloud ecosystem map.

Tags: Cloud Computing Security Ecosystem startups

Microsoft Azure Goes Dark For 22 Hours

March 15, 2009 by Craig Balding

The Microsoft Azure Technology Preview suffered a major outage that lasted 22 hours.

Tags: Platform as a Service Azure

Amazon Reserved Instances: Always Read The Label

March 15, 2009 by Craig Balding

Amazon Reserved Instances provide a customer with a cheap way to reserve computer capacity in advance for Business Continuance (for example). But what are the Terms and Conditions?

Tags: Infrastucture as a Service aws

Cloud Security Startups: Where For Art Thou?

March 11, 2009 by Craig Balding

Share your cloud security startup and get free security consulting to help your startup prepare for 'Under The Radar'.

Tags: Cloud Computing Security

US Government Creates Cloud Computing Security Group

March 04, 2009 by Craig Balding

NIST creates a Cloud Computing Security Group to identify risks and develop standards for government agencies to safely use cloud services.

Tags: Cloud Computing Security NIST standards

Biggest Cloud Challenge: Security

October 14, 2008 by Craig Balding

A recent survey suggests IT decision makers consider cloud security the biggest challenge. What is your cloud provider doing to address your concerns?

Tags: Cloud Computing Security

Privacy In the Cloud: Show Me The Money

October 12, 2008 by Craig Balding

Cloud Computing raises privacy concerns. A recent Pew Internet study highlights the growing use of cloud sercice. What is your privacy worth?

Tags: Cloud Computing Security

A Question of Integrity: To MD5 or Not to MD5

June 25, 2008 by Craig Balding

How do you know that the data you pushed to a cloud storage provider is the same as what you get back? An example is provided showing a problem with Amazon S3 integrity checks.

Tags: Cloud Computing Security cloud storage amazon aws

12 Signs that Your Company is Already in the Cloud

April 25, 2008 by Craig Balding

A light-hearted look at the early tell-tale signs that your company is already using cloud services - regardless of what your security policy does or doesn't say.

Tags: Cloud Computing Security

Cloud Stacks: Please Mind The Gap

April 24, 2008 by Craig Balding

What measures do you have in place to assess potential security gaps in cloud services and how do you mitigate the risks?

Tags: Cloud Computing Security

Security In The Cloud: Introducing Cloud Mashups

April 21, 2008 by Craig Balding

A cloud service may be composed of multiple cloud provider offerings. Security reviews need to consider the risk posed by API mashups on supply chain security.

Tags: Cloud Computing Security api appirio mashups portability SaaS

Thin Client Security: Wise up!

April 18, 2008 by Craig Balding

Thin clients offer less features and expose less attack surface. But cleartext and proprietary protocols combined with weak security controls undermine their overall security.

Tags: Cloud Computing Security thin clients

Cloud Computing Defined

April 17, 2008 by Craig Balding

What is Cloud Computing? A simple definition covering virtualization, commodity hardware and software and utility billing.

Tags: Cloud Computing Security definitions

Where are the Security Dashboards for Cloud Services?

April 17, 2008 by Craig Balding

Cloud providers share dashboards showing operational metrics including uptime and outages over time. To speed enterprise cloud adoption, providers should expose cloud security metrics.